
Check Out Our New Equipment Maintenance Video

2021-08-18T14:29:56-05:00August 18th, 2021|

You wouldn’t go to a doctor who doesn’t sterilize their tools would you? Well, our chainsaw is our tool and we take good care of our tools. Proper equipment maintenance ensures that accidents don’t happen, performance is reliable and disease doesn’t spread from tree to tree. Call today for a free estimate. (512) 743-3909

Check Out Our New Vertical Mulching Video

2021-08-18T14:27:05-05:00August 2nd, 2021|

Just as our bodies need oxygen, soil needs oxygen as well. We provide them that oxygen through vertical mulching. Vertical mulching is a process that involves drilling 8-10 inch holes that are spaced out in areas directly beneath the canopy. Then by adding pea gravel, and then covering with peat moss, trees that suffer

We Provide Worker’s Comp!

2021-06-14T10:20:41-05:00June 14th, 2021|

If you ask a tree company, “Are you insured?” the answer is almost always “yes.” That’s because all tree companies carry liability insurance (or at least they should), but very few carry workers’ comp insurance. At Good Guys Tree Service we carry workers’ comp insurance because we not only protect your trees, but we also

Tree Healthcare and Maintenance During Winter

2021-01-23T09:33:37-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

It is easy to overlook the importance of tree maintenance during winter. After all, trees go dormant during the winter, consuming little energy as their growth pauses during the cold months. If a tree is dormant then surely no maintenance is required? No! You most certainly should take the time to complete some tree

Check Out Our Recent Redfin Article!

2020-06-18T16:54:43-05:00June 18th, 2020|

Good Guys Tree Service is honored to be recently featured as a contributor in a recent Redfin article! With expert tips collaborated from the nation's top tree experts, arm yourself with all you need to know to protect your trees through the hot summer months. See article here: https://www.redfin.com/blog/summer-tree-care-checklist/

Weathering the Storm, Covid-19 and Our Response

2020-04-28T10:17:00-05:00April 28th, 2020|

In early March, Good Guys Tree Service made the decision to put people before profits and close operations until a clearer picture emerged on how to best protect our customers and personnel from Covid-19 (Coronavirus). It is now clear that there is a path forward that can both adequately protect against the continued spread