As the long, hot summer comes to an end here in Austin, many homeowners start thinking about prepping their landscape for the cooler months ahead. While spring often gets all the attention for garden work, fall is a good time to focus on tree care. At Good Guys Tree Service, we encourage our clients to make the most of this season to ensure the health, safety, and beauty of their trees.
Here’s why:

1. Tree Health and Recovery

Throughout the summer, Austin’s trees endure high heat and, sometimes, drought conditions. By fall, they’re often stressed and in need of a little TLC. This is a great time to assess their condition, prune damaged branches, and promote healthy growth for the coming year. Fall’s cooler temperatures and increased rainfall give trees the best conditions to recover and heal from pruning.

2. Pruning for Safety

With hurricane season still lingering and winter storms not far off, it’s important to check for any weak or dead branches that could pose a risk to your property. Fall pruning helps ensure that your trees are strong and ready to withstand any storms. Removing dead wood and thinning the canopy can prevent future damage to your home or yard from falling branches.

3. Preparing for Dormancy

In Central Texas, while our winters may not be as severe as in other parts of the country, trees still enter a dormant phase. Fall is the time to make sure they’re ready. By mulching around the base of your trees and giving them a deep watering before the first frost, you can help insulate their roots and protect them through the colder months.

4. Pest and Disease Control

After a long summer, pests and diseases can still be lurking in your trees. Fall is a great time to inspect your trees for signs of infestation or illness. Addressing these problems now can prevent them from becoming bigger issues in the spring.

Trust the Experts

Whether it’s pruning, or removing hazardous branches, our experienced arborists at Good Guys Tree Service are here to help you with all your tree care needs. As the leaves start to change, take the time to give your trees the attention they deserve so they can thrive in the seasons ahead. Give us a call or email us today to schedule a free estimate!